finance house

英 [ˈfaɪnæns haʊs] 美 [ˈfaɪnæns haʊs]




  1. A finance house made a bid to buy up the entire company.
  2. The large amount of potential buyers coming to your house should not convince you that everyone can finance for a house.
  3. Term limits for Congress, sensible campaign finance reform and stopping the revolving door for those in Congress and the White House are at the core of these changes.
  4. Managing Director suggested to the Board that the best way of obtaining capital for the expansion program should be to sell me company's headquarters to a finance house and then lease them back.
  5. A finance technique in which a business sells invoiced receivables at a discount to a bank or finance house ( the factor) or to an internal finance company.
  6. Mr Brown built his political reputation on his stewardship of the economy as finance minister, but the financial crisis, depleted public finances, falling house prices and a series of economic errors have taken a heavy toll.
  7. As we return to a more normal credit market, there will simply be less money to finance a boom, as house prices adjust to the availability of credit.
  8. European Federation of Finance House Association
  9. Some factors are universal: the credit crunch hit consumer confidence and affected the availability of finance for house purchase everywhere.
  10. The group has begun investing its managed funds in film equity after striking a deal with film finance house Grosvenor park.
  11. Spanish banks, which helped finance a property bubble, are likely to face greater mortgage losses than banks in France, where house price inflation was less rampant.
  12. Leading Banks in Shanghai are planning to finance installment purchases to the individual house Buyers advance contribution scheme ( for IDA-10)
  13. If it lasts, easier access to cheaper finance ought to help boost housing demand, particularly since the plunge in house prices has improved many measures of housing affordability.
  14. This since can give relief from finance kit compressive force to some extent, can carry out Lian to rent house constructive to sustain a shape again.
  15. With Vector Error Correction Model, impulse response analysis and variance decomposition, this paper analyzes the finance factors that cause the prompt rise of house price in China.
  16. Type of organization ( Insurance, Finance, Software house, multi-national etc). In some types of organizations like finance, insurance etc you tend get better remuneration.
  17. Successful market-based housing finance, successful policy housing finance and cooperative house finance is analyzed;
  18. More detailed, consumer credit contract, the particular form of contract, is an agreement, agreed on by the consumer as the debtor and the finance house or the seller as the creditor, that the creditor offers certain credit to the debtor.
  19. On the basis of study finance restricting factors, the countermeasures are made on house construction finance and house consumption finance.
  20. On the aspect of house finance, against the puzzle dom of house construction finance and house consumption finance relevant countermeasures are advanced respectively.
  21. With Qufu Guanyuan Street renewal planning as the case, the thought of enablement is embodied in local economy development, constructive finance support, site plan and house design.
  22. The development of the house industry is due to the support of the finance, especially more obviously in the field of house consumption.
  23. In China, MBS will contribute to the development of house finance, the revolving of house capital and the development of house market.
  24. Study of Universal Management of Finance House
  25. Ultimately, we hope to consummate related legal policy, expedite money market and finance product innovation, impel low-rent housing property securitization development, enhance low-rent housing financing efficiency unceasingly, and finally alleviate low-rent house construction fund bottleneck question effectively.
  26. As an important part of real estate finance, it has positive effects on banks, house buyers and insurance Companies.
  27. Third, based on the study of the fund resources and composing of the real estate investment, it analyzes the importance of real estate finance and shows that the individual credit has pushed the ascend of house price.
  28. State-owned finance services whose reputation was not better than that of private banking house often closed down and suspended operations with the turmoil of political situation.
  29. In recent years, the "land finance" not only caused abnormal development of local finance, but also caused high house prices. It became the hottest topic which has the people and the educational world attention.